

The new Walkmen album just leaked and I've gotta say it's pretty good. For those people who haven't heard Walkmen listen to this song:

If you were making a trailer for an indie flick this would be the background music. It's pretty solid though.

As far as the new album, I got a sort or Vampire Weekend feel from it but with a little more authenticity. Listening to Lisbon makes me want to see The Walkmen live because I bet they'd sound just like their recordings. Vampire Weekend was always someone that I thought was very okay but got famous while better bands were going unrecognized and I really think Walkmen has that little bit of extra that should get them recognized, but until they get in a Michael Serra movie I guess they're shit out of luck.

In addition to the Kitsune Post before they just posted their winter collection on Facebook. Check it out. It's awesome:

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